Every child is to follow all the disciplinary rules of the instruction to maintain the school decorum
Students must be punctual in reaching School.
They should attend the morning assembly.
Late arrivals will not be allowed to attend the class without Principal`s
Students must come in proper uniform otherwise they will be sent back home.
No jewelry is to be worn exept a wist watch.
Nails and Hairs are to be kept short.
The School organized Parents-teacher meeting on every last day of the month
in which discussions are arrenged on child education and welfare.
Attendance of parents is compulsory in such meeting.
A Student is absent in any test/examination, will be duly punished.
No Re-Test/Re-Examination is considered
The decision of the school authorities will not be re-examined.
Students using unfair means in the test / examination with regard to No promotion is final
the parents are expected to accept the decision.
The child will not be allowed to leave the School at any condition during School Hours.
It is necessary to send application if a student is absent.
Parents and other persons are not allowed to visit their children or teachers
during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
Students are expected to take participation in Sports, Debate, Culture and GK Compitition
organized by the school time-to-time
Participation in all activites and Attendance in School Function is obligatory
Admission to all class except Pre-Nursery & Nursery shall be given on the merit basis or availibility of seats
The School have No responsibility for the loss of Books, Valuable Items and Money.
Students TC will not be issued until All Dues are settled.
TC wiil be issued after 7 Days from Date of Application.
Late arrivals will not be allowed to attend the class without Principal`s
A Student damage school property, the Cost of the damaged property will be paid by student.
The principal reserves the right to withdrawl of any student if his behaviour is unsatisfactory.
The Principal is liable to rusticate the student whose conduct is not good.
Buses will be available only on the routes and at fixed by the school.
Any request for new stops will not be entertained.
However, the school reserves the right to make any change if found inevitable.
Whenever there is a special trip,buses will cover only a few common stop on the main
road in that area.
In case of misbehavior in the bus, The Teacher / Bus Coordinator is authorized to take immediate
necessary step and report the matter to the admin.
Admin Officer/Transport-in-charge is free for take further actions, if necessary.
The bus facility will be cancelled for those who damage any bus fittings or indulge
in acts of misbehavior/indiscipline in the bus.
Transport facilities are provided for the convenience of the students, although it is
not an obligatory service of the school.
No student will be allowed to travel by school bus without identity card.
Students must report at the schedled bus stop 10 minutes before the starting time.
Boys and girls must sit seprately in the bus and maintain silence.
Children proceeding on leave will also have to pay the bus fee along with the tution fee for the period of leave.
Parents & Teacher Co-Operation is essential for complete & harmonious development of the students personality.
The process of informal education is motion at birth and gains momentum in the school, acenter of formal education.
To bring out the best in child,family influence should aid and supplement school efforts.
Both School and Home should help the child imbibe in him/her a pride of the family and an assest of the society.
Contant vigilance on the part of the guardians pays rich dividends.
This Diary should be used as a mean of communication with the School, by checking the remark, if any made by the teachers.
Please see that your ward brings all the TextBooks, Items of Stationary, Craft Materials, Dictionary etc.
Please ensure that he/she comes to School in proper uniform, The Specification and Design of which have been laid down by the School
Parents and Guardian can not visit their wards or teachers in the classroom on regular working days.
Please make it a point to visit the school on the Parents Teachers Meeting.
Missing a Test or an Exam is not permitted.
Children are not allowed to be taken home by parents during school hours on The grounds of marriage, Going out etc.
Please see that the child has the Time-Table at home and that he/she follows it.
Absent from School even for a day should be a matter of concern.
The guardian should impress upon their wards that should not miss school unless it is unavoidable.
Students should always carry this diary to School.
Leading or borrowing money and other articles is not permitted.
Books (other than the text books or library books) and magazines bought the school are liable to be confiscated.
It is an offence to leave the class without class pass.
Cell phone are not allowed in the school.
Cycle must be kept locked Riding cycles or motors bike in the school compound is strictly prohibted.
Students advice not be brings valuable like costly watches and fountain pens.
The school are will not be responsible for any goods lost.
Cell phone are not allowed in the school.
Buses are extension of school and discipline should be observedand enforced.
Drivers are completely in-charge of buses and report any misconduct on the part of students.
Maintain regularity and puntuality at all cost.
The school are will not be responsible for any goods lost.
Students must carry school identity cards every day.
Students studying in kindergarden and classes I and II are not allowed short leave from the school.
The parents need not send them to school if they want to them to avail short leave.
Any loss or shall be made good by the students is responsible for there-of
Students should not indulge in disrupitve activties.
The school possesses the right to take severe action and even to remove from the school rolls students who is found guilty of misconduct.
The school are will not be responsible for any goods lost.
On birthdays,students should come in school uniform and should distribute sweets to the class only. However, students of primary classes are exempted from wearing school uniforms on their birthdays.
Be dignified and rule-abiding in dress, talk and behaviour.
Treat school property with care as you would do at home.